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This is a glossary of university-related terminology - if you are missing certain terms or have questions, please contact us.

PhD Representation

PhD Convent (german: Doktoranden- und Doktorandinnenkonvent)

At Uni Freiburg, all doctoral candidates of a faculty form the PhD Convent (based on LHG § 38 (7)).

PhD Representatives (german: Promovierendenvertretung)

Elected representatives of a PhD convent, serve as executive committee of the convent. At Faculty of Biology, election of the representatives takes place once a year.

Joint Working Committee of the Doctoral Candidate Councils (german abbreviation: GAA)

The Joint Working Committee of the Doctoral Candidate Councils, in german: "Gemeinsamer Arbeitsausschuss der Doktorandinnen- und Doktorandenkonvente" (GAA) is the meeting of PhD Convent Representatives of all 11 faculties each month to discuss topics that apply to all PhD candidates of the whole university.


ProDoc is an initiative of PhD students in Freiburg that is engaged for all matters pertaining to the PhD process. They aim to connect PhD candiates from all faculties.

Students' Representation

The institutions described below represent the Bachelor and Master students at Uni Freiburg. Since those structures are already established for decades and, often, students have more time for representation work, they often can provide helpful information and a model how to do university politics.


The Fachschaft Biologie are the students' representatives at the Faculty of Biology. In a wider sense, but less commonly used the term "Fachschaft" does also refer to all students of the faculty. The Fachschaft is not elected, in contrast to the PhD Representatives.
The Fachschaft represents the students' concerns in committees, such as the faculty council or the StuRa. Also, they organize many events for students. Some of them are also interesting for doctoral candidates. Examples are yearly job info days (B3), freshmen weeks, usually a cocktail stand at the faculty celebrations, a mulled wine day in december (Nikola-Aktion) and much more.


StuRa refers both to the legislative committee of the university-wide students' representation and is, at the same time, the name of the university-wide students' representation.


The AStA is the executive committee of the university-wide students' representation. It is composed of four full-time executives and several part-time executives who deal with only certain topics, e.g. with topics concerning international students, LGBATIQ* people or people with special needs. Often, students involved in the AStA are politically very active and can provide a lot of information about the respective topic they are working on.

Infrastructure and important university-wide points of contact

IGA (International Graduate Academy, german: Internationale Graduiertenakademie)

The International Graduate Academy (IGA) of the Freiburg Research Services (FRS) is the central service department of the University of Freiburg for all questions concerning doctoral studies. It offers, for example, workshops and courses for doctoral researchers and individual counseling. Its newsletter provides important information about being a PhD student at Uni Freiburg.

SWFR (Student Services Freiburg, german: Studierendenwerk Freiburg Schwarzwald)

The SWFR provides many services, such as organising the universities' cafeterias (Mensen), students' housing, free legal advice and much more. If you are enrolled as a student, you can use these services.

University IT Services (german: Rechenzentrum)

The University IT Services are the main establishment responsible for Freiburg University's IT infrastructure. There, you can apply for a university-e-mail-address, but also find information about the university VPN, which you need to access part of the university IT structure from anywhere in the world. Also, the university printing service is located at the University IT Services.

Central University Administration (german: Zentrale Univerwaltung)

Most administrative tasks are not performed at each single faculty, but by the central university administration. Examples are preparing employment contracts or clarification of law questions.

Ombudsperson and ombuds office

An ombudsperson is a contact partner for doctoral researchers and supervisors who helps resolving conflicts arising from the supervision relationship or work on the dissertation. There is an ombudsperson of the Faculty of Biology and university-wide ombudspersons.
The ombuds office helps the university-wide ombudspersons with their work and is a good first point of contact in case you should experience problems with your supervisor.

Committees and institutions at Faculty of Biology

Doctoral Board (german: Promotionsausschuss)

12 professors meeting once a month and deciding on everything which is of direct importance to PhD students at our faculty. For example, your application to become a PhD candidate at the faculty was decided on by this board. Also, they decide on the phrasing of dissertation agreement and promotional affairs regulations. This is actually the committee in which those documents are developed in contrast to Faculty Council and Senate, where they only have to be voted on.

Promotional Affairs Office (german: Promotionsbüro)

Currently, Mrs. Kendlinger works there. She takes care of everything important for your PhD from the administrative point of view on faculty-level. For example, she is the person creating your certificates.

Faculty Council (german: Fakultätsrat, FakRat)

Highest committee of a faculty. Members of all status groups are represented, i.e. professors, academic staff, administrative staff, PhD candidates and students. The Faculty Council decides on all fundamental matters concerning the faculty (compare LHG § 25).

Faculty Board (german: Fakultätsvorstand / Dekanat)

Decides on some certain topics of the faculty which are not matters of the Faculty Council (compare LHG for specificities). The Dean, the Dean of Studies and the Vice-Deans form the Faculty Board.

Dean, Vice-Deans and Dean of Studies (german: Dekan, Prodekane und Studiendekan

All deans are professors of the faculty and are elected by the Faculty Council. The Dean represents the faculty inside and outside the university, e.g. in committees such as the senate or the "Dekanerunde" (meeting of all deans of the 11 faculties). Vice-Deans are his deputies. The Dean of Study is head of the curriculum committee which decides on matters concerning the curriculum of study programs.

Appointment Committee (german: Berufungskommission)

Committee which organizes the appointment procedure for new professors. Members of the different groups of the university are part of the committee, e.g. professors, academic staff and students.

University-wide committees

Senate (german: Senat)

The Senate represents all faculties and all status groups of the university. It decides on many important resolutions, e.g. on the future strategic plans of the university, whom to appoint as professor, ... Many resolutions and things the Senate has to approve are not discussed in the Senate, but in dedicated subcommittees or committees at the faculties, e.g. promotional affairs regulations or whom to appoint as professor

Rectorate (german: Rektorat)

The Rectorate is the university's board of executive officers and deals with basically running the university. It decides on many important financing topics and day-to-day businness.


Basically the highest committee of our university. It is elected for 3 years and decides on how the university should be developed.

Staff council (german: Personalrat)

The Staff Council represents the university's staff on a university-wide level. It has many rights concerning employees' contracts. Also, it offers support regarding many different topics. For example, if you have questions regarding employment rights, you can approach the staff council.